Monday, August 13, 2007

Phoon Huat Baking School- Part 1

I've always wanted to sign up for baking classes since last year. I logged onto many websites but the classes were either too expensive or not interesting enough (baking ang ku kueh, kueh lapis etc), and some u got to pay $35 for demo classes! I rather watch demo online/TV and spend that $35 on ingredients to experiment at home!

However, i finally came across one cheap and interesting hands-on workshop offered by phoon huat! It's only $36 and the class is on Cupcakes and Swiss Roll!

As you can see from the pic on the left, the classroom is pretty well- equipped. There are about 10 ovens and mixer. The washing area is spacious and clean, with detergent, sponge and hot water provided. Other baking wares are well equipped and the class size is just nice to learn. Not overly crowded like other baking schools.

According to the "frequeners", the class size is capped below 20 and they will usually paired up in 2-3. But ultimately, u still get to take a big portion of yr own product home. The chef, Patrick, is friendly and helpful, pretty handsome too for pple at his age.. hahaa. He will go around checking your product at every stage, to make sure u are still on track. He provides his secret recipe and guides the class step by step. Some students told me that if you have any questions while baking at home, you're welcome to ring up Patrick for help.

This is the swiss roll sponge cake b4 u spread the filling and roll it up. On the left pic, u can see chef Patrick demo how to roll up the swiss roll. Method pretty similar to making sushi.

This is the final product. The pan above can be rolled up into one long big roll of swiss roll!! Looks pretty neat huh? At least it looks like a swiss roll. But tell u all a secret... i didn't roll that... i was spending 5mins rolling back and forth, one aunty couldn't stand it and offer to help me. hahahaha


alpha.lima.victor.india.november said...

never update liao?

Rach said...

Haha... joyce... so funny... i can imagine u rolling and unrolling the swiss roll...


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