Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cupcakes Fever 2- My own cupcakes

Ain't they pretty(left pic)?? I was so amazed and quite satisfied with the result. Why?? Just look at my 1st trial (right pic). What a big difference!!!

But don't judge a cake by it's look. Although those on the left are much prettier, they were actually unbaked and dry. The ugly ones on the other hand, is chocolaty and moist... thanks to Betty Crocker (i used the pre-mix flour).

I wanna start an online cupcakes shop!! (Dear friends who are reading this, i'm counting on u for sustainability) With the current standard, i can only give it out for free. I have just signed up for this cupcakes baking workshop with Shermay's cooking school. It's $110++!!! Wow, that's the investment i need to make (free cupcakes for friends and baking workshop). This workshop is so popular that the available 5 classes were all snatched up and i have to be put on the waitlist.

Why cupcakes and not cookies or whole cake? Cupcakes are easier to bake as compared to whole cake (which mine often turn out to be volcano shape due to uneven heat), they are pretty and small. Friends can buy them for different occasions such as Valentine's, Christmas, friendship day, birthdays and even during normal days...

I'm going to invest my salary on some cupcakes decor... hopefully this biz idea won't be like my past ones (which evaporate into the air within a few months). I have recruited Gene as the logo and website designer; Esther/ Xinjie as the photographer; Bella as the... erm.. she volunteered to be the cleaner- help to clean up my kitchen?; Jas also the cleaner but help to clean up my cupcakes into her stomach... Hopefully this dream can realli spin off into a successful biz =)


Rach said...

Joyce...Oh my gosh, the cupcakes look absolutely delicious! When I saw the pics, I thought they were store bought... I actually prefer the chocolate covered cupcakes... they remind me of what was that chocolate cake shop... er... oh! Awfully Chocolate! They had nice, moist and sinfully rich chocolate cake...

Keep me posted on ur business idea ok? If u can please FedEx some to me, that'll b wonderful... otherwise I'll just have to wait til I come back to try ur shou yi... BUT I can help spread the word for u! so keep me posted! =)

Yuki said...

awww... Joyce, you're so talented. I'm not a big fan of cup cakes (though in the States are so sweet!) but I wanna try yours too. :)
-Yuki Lam @ HK


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